Thursday, November 20, 2008

Totally and utterly bored.

Well hello...I don't have a drawing...but i'm too bored to care. We (freddy, makayla, and me) are in class and totally bored. We have nothing to do so we are just messing around on the computers. Oh fun fun ( -.- ya right) But we found out we can change the color of the text! so I'm happy and changed the color *hugs self* it's soooo pretty :) yep yep.
..........ssssssssoooooooooooooooo.................... ya! lol i'm going to go bug freddy! maybe he is doing something fun.............

Freddy is boring....and he told me that the teacher said we had to do session six (oh fun.....*pout* today was supose to be a free day.......oh well) bye bye